Three TYPES of hyperparathyroidism wit CAUSES-
1. Primary -autonomous secretion of PTH by parathyroid. Serum Ca & PTH raised. causes - single adenoma
multiple adenomata, nodular hyperplasia
2. Secondary -
parathyroid hyperplasia wit increased PTH secretion. Serum Ca low & PTH raised.
causes - chronic renal failure, malabsorption, osteomalacia & rickets.
3. Tertiary -
serum Ca & PTH raised.
Clinical Features -
1. Non specific symptoms-
- anorexia, nausea,vomiting, cönstipation & wt. loss.
- weakness, lassitude & tiredness.
- drowsiness, poor concentration, depression.
2. Renal manifestation -
- polyuria & polydipsia
- recurrent calculus formation.
- impairment of renal function wit uraemia, hypokalaemia, hyperuricemia
3. Skeletal manifestations -
- bone pain, fractures & deformity due to osteitis fibrosa
-localised bone swelling
- degenerative arthritis & attacks of acute pseudogout
- other manifestations -
corneal calcification
peptic ulcer
4. Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN)
Type 1 = pituitary, pancreas, parathyroid tumor + Zollinger _Ellison syndrome
Type2A = phaeochromocytoma & medullary carcinoma of thyroid + hyperparathyroidism
Type2B = additional multiple neuroma.
1. Biochemical abnormality _
_ raised serum calcium & raised PTH.
- serum phosphate low
- serum chloride raised.
- serum alkaline phosphatase raised.
2. ECG
- Shortened QT interval
- cardiac arrythmias
3. Radiological examin
- demineralisation & subperiosteal erosions of phalanges
- resorption of terminal phalanges.
-Pepper-pot' appearance of skull on lateral side
- soft tissue calcification
4. Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry & CT scan show reduced bone density.
5. Investigation for localising tumor
-Selective neck vein catheterisation wit PTH measure
-CT scanning & subtraction imaging
- Tseat of hypercalcemia
-adenoma treated by surgical removal
- hyperplasia treated by removal of all four glands & transplantation of some of excised tissue of forearm.
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