It is caused by yeast-like microorganism Candida. Commonest is candida albicans.
* gm +ve, grows in acid medium.
Risk factors
* immunosuppression
* promiscuity
* pregnancy
* drugs- steroids, broad spectrum antibiotis
* OC pills
* DM, poor hygiene
Clinical features
* pruritus vulva
* vaginal irritation, dysurea
* curdy dischage
* speculum exam:
- vaginal wall congestion
- curdy discharge
* clinical findings
* confirmed on microscopic examination of discharge treated with 10% KOH sol
* gram staining
* pap smear
* culture on Sabouraud's agar
* local application of antifungal agent-- imidazole, miconazole, clotrimazole etc--pessaries or cream for 3-6 days
* single dose of 150 mg fluconazole
* both partners should b treated.
I like most your comment. Nowadays yeast infection problem is increasing and becoming a big concern. I have an information to treat it as naturally on the link below: