menstrual dis

1)AMEORRHOEA:indicates the absence of menstruation.
It is symptom &not disease.
2)OLIGOMENORREA:Infrequent, irregularly timed episodes of bleeding usually ocurring at intervals of more than 35days.
3)POLYMENORREA:FREQUENT but regularly timed episodes of bleeding usually occring at intervals of 21days or less.
4)MENORRHAGIA:regvlarly timed episodes of bleeding that r execessive in amount( >80ml) &/or duration of flow( >5days)
5)METRORRAGIA:it is regularly timed episodes of bleeding superimposd on nrml cyclical bleeding.
6)MENOMETRORRAGIA:excessive prolongd bleeding that occrs at irregularly timed & frequent intervals.
7)HYPOMENORRHEA:regularly timed but scanty episodes of bleeding..
8)INTERMENSTRUAL BLEEDING: Refers to bleeding that occurs otherwise normal menstrual cycles.
9)PRECOCIOUS BLEEDING :Occurence of menstruation before the age of 10 years.
10)POSTCOITAL BLEEDING:vaginal bleeding after sexual intercorse.  PHYSIOLOGY OF MENSTRUATION
A)FOLLICULAR PHASE :This phase of endometrium reprents the ostrogenic part of menstrual cycle.
It is initiated & controlled by ostrogen.
Pulsatile secretion of GnRH frm hypothalamus act on pituitary which secrets FSH& LH.These harmones(LH) acts on  ovary &stimulates grwth of primordial follicles which secrte 17B ostradiol & rupture of follicle ie ovulation occurs.
1)proliferative changes on emdometrium.
2)inhibits frther secretiod of FSH 3)stimulates ant pitiutary to secrte LH
B)OVULATORY PHASE:LH causes rupture of follicle ie ovulation.
Max PEAK of oestrogen is about 48hr before ovulation.
LH SURGE 24 36Hr bef ovuln.
E2 level 300 _ 500pg/ml
C:)LUTEAL PHASE It is time betn ovulation & menstruation & is fairly constant of 14 days.
corpus luteam is formd frm ruptred follicle which secrets progesterone FUNCTIONS 1)Secondary hypertrophy of endometrium 2)inhibits LH Frm ant pituitary.
PROG 15ng/ml
D)MENSTRUAL PHASE In the absence of pregnancy both oestro & progesteron levels decline gradually.This fall leads to menstruatin.
This fall also initiates +ve feedback mech &triggers hypothalamus to release GnRH & Cycle continues..
FSH 3_15mIU/ml
LH 3 _12mIU/ml

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